Who we are
Teaching and research constitute two main functions of any higher academic institution. While Naleemiah Institute performs the former functions, the task of fulfilling the need of the latter was accomplished with the establishment of the Naleemiah Institute of Research and Publications. It was established in 1978.
Major Activities
In order for attaining above objectives, it has developed unique programmes which are stated bellow
1- Quarterly Research Journal
It publishes quarterly a research journal called “Islamiya Sinthanai” in Tamil. Since its establishment, it has published around 139 issues.
2- Publishing Books
As such, publishing books periodically is considered to be another important activity of this unit where it has produced many books in three languages since its establishment.
What we do
To promote serious academic research in relation to various aspects of the religion of
Islam, its ideology, history, culture and civilization.
To promote the study of Arabic and other Islamic languages, the knowledge of which is an essential pre – requisite for conducting research on Islam and matters related to it.
To organise and facilitate research in respect of the history of Muslims of Sri Lanka and their cultural contributions.
To publish journals in Tamil, Sinhala and English with articles of general interest related to Islam and Muslim affairs.
To undertake the translation of works on Islam and matters related to it from Arabic and other languages.
To produce children’s literature in Tamil and Sinhala.
To conduct lectures, discussion groups, seminars, workshops and exhibitions.
To organise inter – faith dialogue with the objective of creating, understanding and harmony between various religious groups.
To establish contact with other research institutes and academic bodies both locally and abroad.