
The Board of Management is the highest authority of the Naleemiah Institute of Islamic Studies (Inc.), which exercises executive and administrative affairs on behalf of “Society”. The Board of Management consists of President, the Honorary Secretary and Honorary Treasurer of the “Society” and not less than twelve other persons to be elected in accordance with the act at a General Meeting and of them at least five (5) shall be from among members of the Society.

Qualification for Election

The said twelve persons to be elected as stated above, shall in the opinion of the Society be persons of adequate knowledge and competence to assist the Society in the management of the institution and in all other matters relative to the attainment of the objects of the Society.

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Chairman of the Committee of the meeting

The Board of Management shall be presided over by the President of the Society, and in his absence by any member of the board elected for the purpose from among those presents Five (5) members shall form the quorum.

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Evaluation Report on Institutional and Subject Reviews

Power and Duties

In the discharge of the functions assigned to it by these rules, the Board of Management shall be deemed to have been delegated by the Society all such powers, rights and privileges of recruitment, appointment, dismissal, and disciplinary control of all employees required for the purpose of the institution run by the society.

The Board of Management shall be responsible to the society for the proper discharge of its functions.

Delegation of Power

The Board of Management may by resolution delegate to the President any of its powers, duties or functions.

Any act done by the President in pursuance of such delegation shall be reported to the Board of Management at its next meeting.

Power of the Society to discontinue members appointed

The Society shall have the power to discontinue any or all of the aforesaid twelve members from membership of the Board of Management on a resolution to that effect passed by two – third of the members present and voting and to appoint instead another or others of the required qualification.